Carbrook Junior School Communications, 19 October
Term 4 - Week 3
Upcoming Events
Friday 20 October: Prep Incursion; Stg 1 Excursion; Stg 3 Gala Sport
Week 4
Monday 23 October: Year 5 Leadership applications due
Thursday 26 October: Chapel in the Pavilion 2.30pm-3.00pm
Friday 27 October: World Teacher's Day & Stg 3 Gala Sport
Coming Up
Year 5 Leadership interviews, Sports Award Evening, CAPA Soiree, Assembly, Stg 3 Gala Sport
Dear Parents and Carers
Week 3 has been a celebration of our Vibrant Community in the Carbrook Junior School. As parents, grandparents and special friends have shown up for their loved ones, it has been a timely reminder of the value of the partnership that we share. What better way to celebrate our vibrant community than to have it highlighted in our logo refresh.
I have been privileged enough to be part of the Calvary community as a foundation Carbrook student and now have been working here as an employee for many, many years. Our updated logo nods to the past and history of our community and also encompasses the bright future that our College looks towards.
To see more on this, here is a video link from Cherylynne, our Principal and CEO:
Prep and Stage 1 Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday, the Prep and Stage 1 students travelled to the Bethania Aquatic Centre to showcase some of the skills learned in the recent swimming lessons. It was encouraging to see students swimming with increasing confidence. Our year 6 leaders came along to serve and assist in running the carnival. They did an outstanding job in communicating clearly and cheering on their younger peers.

World Teacher's Day
As parents, we know that it truly takes a village to raise a child. The team approach to educating the children at Calvary is evident. Every interaction students have with a staff member is an opportunity for them to be shaped into the fearfully wonderful creation God has called them to be.
As we approach World Teachers Day next Friday, it’s fitting to acknowledge the incredible work of our teachers. The energy and passion they bring to serving our students and their families is next level and we are blessed by this every day.
Lost Property
Friendly reminder - Lost property has been moved to the walkway between the Gotfredsen and Ann-Doyle building (Prep and Stage 1). Reminder to name all your child’s items so that we can things back to the owners. You are most welcome to check for any of your child’s items also.
End of Year Awards Services
As the end of the year approaches, we take time to look back and celebrate achievement and growth of our students in many different areas. This year the junior school students will be recognised during an Awards Assembly, Sports Award evening, CAPA Soiree and Celebration. Please see the letter attached outlining the awards that will be presented at each of the events. If your child is receiving and award at any of these events, you will receive an email alerting you to this.
Be Blessed
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
The Athlete's Foot School Rewards
The Athlete’s Foot Capalaba, Carindale and Mt Gravatt will donate $5 from every pair of shoes purchased from any of our 3 stores back to Calvary Christian College. Simply mention 'Calvary Christian College' at the time of purchase for the sale to be counted towards the schools tally.
School rewards applies for every pair of shoes purchased, across the complete in-store range of adults and/or kids sports, school, work and casual shoes.

Calvary Events
CAPA Awards Soiree
We will be holding our very first CAPA Awards Soiree at the Cunningham Pavillion on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm which will include performances and presentations. All are welcome to attend, we look forward to seeing our community coming together to celebrate the successes of our students. Please use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section to RSVP for catering purposes.
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 4

Sports Aerobics 2024
We had a great turn out to the Come n Try sessions for Sports Aerobics. Further information will be sent shortly regarding try outs for teams for the 2024 competition season.
CAPA Awards Soiree
All CAPA students and parents are invited to the CAPA Awards Soiree to be held at Carbrook on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm. Please use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section to RSVP for catering purposes.
Save the Date
2 November - CAPA Awards Soiree
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary, Springwood Oval
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: