Carbrook Junior School Communications, 18 January 2024
Term 1
Upcoming Events
Friday 19 January: 9-10am Book Drop Off/Meet Your Teacher
Term 1 - Week 1
Monday 22 January: First Day of Term 1
Friday 26 January: Australia Day Public Holiday
Coming Up
Thursday 1 February: Parent Information Night
Dear Parents and Carers
We hope your children have been enjoying their last week of school holidays and are feeling excited to return to school.
One of the first things you may notice is that the new logo is being positioned onto our signage, uniforms and marketing material. This is a milestone year for Calvary as we celebrate 40th years of establishment. 40 years of educating children in the Logan area through the Light of Christ. As the events of the year unfold, we will be inviting people from Calvary’s past to share their Calvary stories with us.
Our week began with Staff Retreat, reflecting on our What Matter Most, which is where we are sharpening our focus this year;
- Mastery of curriculum content matters
- Mastery of skills development matters more
- What matters most is formation of character and faith
Combined with the Formation program all students experience, we are introducing character virtues for every Stage and we look forward to sharing these more in our communications, at Assemblies and at the upcoming parent Information evening.
I hope the information below assists you as your family prepares for the first school week of 2024.
Friday Book Drop Off
Tomorrow, most of our classrooms will be open between 9-10am. We warmly invite you to bring your children in to drop off their books and say hello to their teacher. Please check the letter sent to you on 10 January with class specific information about stationary etc.
If your child is going into Stage 3 in 2024 please note the following changes to book drop off. Due to the ongoing building works on the Culbert building, there is less access to the learning space. We have decided during the book drop off time to host a meet and greet in the Pavilion space in the centre of the school with key Stage 3 staff. Students may bring in their books and they will be stored, however, we encourage students to bring books with them on Monday once they can easily get into their classrooms.
Uniform Update
A reminder that next week, the first week back, all students are to wear their sports uniform. We are experiencing some delays and outages in new stock at The School Locker. Below is information to assist with specific uniform item updates:
Junior School
- The girls’ dress (with tie) may be worn. Once the dress is no longer available for sale, the College will consult with parents about a reasonable date after which the dress may no longer be worn.
- The JS girls’ blouse with rounded collar and small tie is still available for purchase and will be phased out slowly. As with the dress, we will negotiate a reasonable date following the stock levels.
- The JS boys’ shirt (tuck in, shirt out old circle logo) may be worn until stock is no longer available. As with the dress and blouse, we will negotiate a reasonable date once these are no longer available.
There are no changes to the sports uniform.
Middle and Senior School
The following uniform items are no longer available for purchase:
- Senior girls’ white blouse (requiring tie)
- Senior boys’ white shirt (worn tucked in and with tie in terms 2 and 3)
- MS striped girls’ blouse
- MS striped boys’ shirt
- Ties for boys and MSS girls
- The purple wool jumper
Students who currently own these items and they are in good repair, may continue to wear them until the end of 2025. This covers all students who entered Year 7 and Year 10 in 2023 purchasing new uniform items.
The motive in making changes to our formal uniform was and still is to provide an updated style that would also improve the comfort of students.
Of equal importance is helping to ensure the uniform is cost effective for parents.
Chapel/Assembly Time
Please be advised that we have changed our Chapel and Assembly time to 9.00-9.30am each Friday morning in the CCC. This time change will be effective from week 2. In week 1, we will still have our Year 6 leader assembly on Thursday starting at 2.15pm.
Property Update
Over the holidays, many projects have been worked on to improve the grounds and buildings throughout the school. The entrance area to the school has been made wider and had all new concrete laid to make accessing the school easier for parents and students. The Culbert building has continued to progress with new learning spaces ready for Stage 4 students to access this year. In the Junior School, one of the playgrounds outside of prep has been removed to make space for an enclosed multi-purpose sports court. The grounds around the Gotfredsen area have been upgraded with new artificial turf and concrete also being laid. I know our students will enjoy getting active in these spaces and I can not wait to see them in action.
College Bus Services
The College is transitioning to RollCall to manage our Bus bookings. You will receive an email from Rollcall with the information on how to set up the Parent app or web portal. Please note you will need to create your login within 24hrs after the welcome email.
For more information on the Bus Services and to view the routes please visit our website here.
Parent Information Evening:
Thursday 1 February, we invite all our parents, particularly those new to our school, to our Junior School Parent Information evening. This is where we share about whole school initiatives and classroom / stage -specific routines and upcoming events. The evening begins at 6:00pm and classroom sessions will be held back to back from 6:45pm so parents can attend multiple sessions if they choose.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Calvary 40th Anniversary Umbrella
To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Calvary Christian College we have limited addition umbrellas available for purchase.
Umbrellas are $30 each and can be collected from reception at our Springwood or Carbrook campus. To purchase please use the below link.
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 1. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below: