Carbrook Junior School Communications, 17 October 2024
Term 4 - Week 3
Friday 18 October: Assembly, Gala sport
Week 4
Tuesday 22 October: Auskick
Friday 25 October: Gala sport, Chapel (in the Pavilion)
Important Dates
Thursday 7 November: CPA Soiree / Calvary Sport Awards
Thursday 14 November: Awards Service 2.00pm
Tuesday 26 November: Celebration Service 5.00pm P-Stage1, 6.45pm Stage 2&3
Thursday 28 November: Year 6 Affirmation Service 2.00pm
A Note from our College Principal
Dear Parents and Carers
I am so delighted that our students and their families are enjoying the recently completed waterway. The peace of the flowing water and what I hope will become the beauty of the surrounding gardens are designed to celebrate joy in God’s beautiful creation.
The waterway collects run off water from nearby roofing and the carpark, stores it in a purpose-built tank downstream (overflow passes on to the water retention basin beyond) and then pumps it to the top end of the waterway from where it cascades to the tank. A great sustainable design – thank you to our Property Manager Mr Vezos for the design and build.
We are keeping the water very shallow deliberately so that we don’t have to fence this area and restrict access. This week I have been sharing with our students how we will Respect our Environment through using the newly opened space wisely! There are those who say I am optimistic in my venture to get the cooperation of hundreds of young people, but I AM optimistic about our students responding positively to using this space well.
In essence students cannot run, stand, balance on the logs, stones, or surrounding lawn. They cannot touch the water nor throw anything into the water.
What can they do? This guideline is easy: they may sit on any stone edging of the waterway if they can reach it via the lawn. Feet on lawn, bottom on stone – enjoy the shade and the running water. They can also sit on the low wall boundary if they can reach it from the lawn. When the grass is dry, they can sit there too.
I would appreciate your support in keeping our students and their siblings and visiting friends out of the gardens, away from our vulnerable four gum trees (one is concerning us as it has not responded well to all the construction and change around it) and away from the water. Please feel free to enjoy the waterway and its surrounds while staying safe.
Thank you for your continuing support. We appreciate your partnership with us.
Cherylynne Gostelow
Acting Head of Junior School
Stepping up to Prep #3
At Calvary, we know that a solid transition into prep will help set our students up for future success. This week we had our third stepping up session, which was a chance for our incoming students to visit the farm. Stay tuned for information regarding the stepping up session that has been planned for the end of the year, where your child will be able to experience learning in the space they will be learning in next year.
Next week on Friday 25 October the Junior School Chapel will be held in the Pavilion due to the Year 12 Exams.
On Tuesday, the Auskick program began after school on the oval. Our students survived the wet conditions and were able to enjoy skill development and some game play. If you would still like to sign your child up for Auskick, please access the form attached.
Photo Challenge for the End of Year Event
The theme of our Celebration this year is love, and focuses on our key bible verse for 2024 from 1 Peter 4:8. We know God has designed each of us differently, and we show love in many different ways. As Mrs Johnston discussed at assembly, we would love to see a photo of your child showing love. This might be a photo of them doing something for a family member, sharing a hug, or with a gift they have bought for someone. We would like to showcase these photos at our upcoming end of year awards ceremony. Please send your photos to by Friday 1 November.
2025 Book Lists
Booklists have been finalised and are available using the link below. There are a few ways to go about ordering books and stationery for the new year. Here are some top tips / options:
- Campion
When ordering online from Campion, you can select to have your child’s book packs delivered straight to your home or opt to pick up from their warehouse. The most popular option is to collect them from your Junior School campus (details are on the front of each booklist).
- Officeworks or other
Take the hardcopy booklist to your local Officeworks (or other supplier) and they will source as much as they can for you. Just be aware, they may not have the exact textbooks on the list or differing brands of stationery
- Hybrid option
You can order selected items from Campion online (usually textbooks that may be hard to source elsewhere) and opt to pick these up from the school or choose home delivery. You can then source the stationery items from your preferred Officeworks, Big W or other provider.
Booklists for each stage can be found here, or on the College website.
It's World Teachers Day next Friday. I am blessed everyday by the professional and relational capacity of this team, especially our teachers whose tireless effort and obsession for teaching and loving kids is extraordinary!
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Cafe Specials - Week 4
General Notices
Event Permission Process Update
We are excited to announce that we will soon be offering our families Consent2Go, a digital solution that easily enables you to keep your child’s health records accurate and provide consent for school events, excursions and camps in a secure and timely manner.
Consent2Go is used in many other schools across Australia and New Zealand and is proven to be easy to use for parents and the school.
Why are we changing?
For student safety it is vital that their information is as up to date as possible and complies with government regulations.
Consent2Go will replace our current process and will be the channel that informs you about school incursions, excursions and camps, allows you to provide your consent and be the collection point for student health information.
It has an easy-to-use parent interface, including a parent app and we are confident you will find it a much easier process for you.
When will this change occur?
We are working through our implementation schedule currently and are looking to soft launch the new system during Term 4.
Over this Term you will be provided with updated and further instructions on how the new system works.
From Our Counselling Team
Parent Information Session - Regulating Strategies & Tips
The Calvary counselling team will run a parent session on emotional regulation in Week 5 this term. Join us for an informative session on child regulation. Discover strategies to help your child develop healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation skills. Learn practical tips to support their overall well-being.
This session is open to all parents and caregivers. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into child development.
Carbrook session - Thursday 31 October 9:00-10:30 am. Register here
Springwood session - Wednesday 30 October 9:00-10:30 am. Register here
Coming Up Events @ Calvary
Our current College events can be found on our website:
Calvary Performing Arts Soiree & Calvary Sport Awards

Celebrations - Information and Costume Requirements
Don't forget to book for the Celebration services and please note students will not need a booked seat for the Celebration session they are performing in. If they are watching a sibling Celebration, they will need a seat booked for that session. Click on the link below for more details.

Junior School Auditions for the musical was a huge success last week. It was great to see the talent of our students on display.
The Jungle Book Kids
Registration for Jungle Book has now closed. Thank you to those parents who have registered their child for the production. We will be rehearsing at the following times up until Tuesday 26 November.
Carbrook: Tuesday Mornings 7:45 – 8:30 in the Large Ensemble Room.
Sport Aerobics Come and Try
After a very successful first season, with all Calvary teams making it to Nationals, we are now inviting students who would like to try sports aerobics to join us at the following times. This is not a registration for the 2025 season; it is just a chance for your child to see what it is all about. Please use the link below to register your child for this opportunity.
Carbrook – 2nd break
Thursday 24 and 31 October
Performing Arts Soiree
On Thursday afternoon 7 November from 4pm – 6pm we will have our presentation evening in the Cunningham Pavilion at the Carbrook Campus. This will be a time when Individual students will be recognized for their contribution to the performing arts co-curricular program in 2024. More information will be sent shortly.
End of Term Recital
All students learning instruments in private lessons will have a performance on Sunday 17 November in the afternoon. Please add this to your calendars.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: