Carbrook Junior School Communications, 16 November
Term 4 - Week 7
Upcoming Events
Week 8
Tuesday 21 November: P-6 Celebration Evening
Wednesday 22 November: Prep Expo
Thursday 23 November: Chapel
Friday 24 November: Year 1-7 Step Up Day, Parent Information Session
Sunday 26 November: Calvary Carols
Coming Up
Year 6 Affirmation, Christmas Chapel, Yr6 Wet 'n' Wild, Free Dress, Academic Reports online
Dear Parents and Carers
This is such a dynamic time of the year, it’s busy, it’s hectic, it’s warming up, but gosh it’s exciting. It is a time when we can celebrate the growth of every student. I hope you are also able to reflect on the year that has been and also enjoy that sense of pride over your child or children.
Volunteers – THANK YOU!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the incredible people in our community who volunteer their time, helping out in so many different ways. You are a blessing – both to staff and students. For all the seen and unseen, known and unknown ways that you serve and bless our school community – THANK YOU!
Awards Assembly
As Psalms 139 tells us, ‘We are fearfully and wonderfully made’. This was on display today as the students inspired each other through their achievement in sport, performing arts, academics and personal growth. It was a highlight to start this assembly with a celebration of how each of our Calvary students have been created with unique gifts and talents.
Stepping Up to the next Stage
Friday 24 November, those Year 6 students will be enjoying their transition day. Parents have been invited to attend an important information session regarding the upcoming Year 7 camp as well as details about this new season of high school. The Parent Information session will be held in the CCC from 3.40pm-4.30pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the core Stage 4 team and learn key information to support your child with their transition into MSS.
The presentation will cover:
- Differences between Junior school and MSS
- How to support your child with technology - TEAMs,& the Parent Portal
- Assessments
- Home learning expectations
- Panel of Year 7 students sharing their experiences
- Building and changing friendships
- How to strengthen your connections with your teenager
- Information about the camp, uniform expectations and behaviour management (Dino Arraiol - Head of Wellbeing and Communities)
- The counsellors and learning support team also speak about their roles and navigating the teenage years
- Book drop off morning, laptop collection and visiting the refurbed Stage 4 space at the start of next year.
To confirm your attendance please RSVP by clicking the link:
Meanwhile, all students in the Junior School, as well as our new students attending Calvary in 2024, will be stepping up to their next Stage for the morning session. This transition time will be a chance for students to ask questions, make friends and feel comfortable in their 2024 stage environment. As usual, all information about 2024 classes and teachers will be emailed to parents in early January.
Early Finish 21 November
We recognise that the celebration evening can be very tiring for our students and are offering an early pick-up option for Prep and stage 1 at 12.00 am. If you would like to collect your child early so that they can rest, please meet your child’s teacher at their own classroom. Sign out at main reception as per usual process using student ID. If your child is going home with a friend or family member, we ask that you let the teacher know by email prior to the day. Supervision will continue with quiet activities for the students remaining at school.
We are almost ready to share our amazing show with you. The costumes are ready, the dances are on pointe and our smiles are ready to shine! If you haven’t yet booked tickets, please see the following links so that you can book your seat. Don’t forget we have a sausage sizzle between the P and stage 1 celebration and the stage 2 and 3 celebration.
Be Blessed
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Book Club Update
Change of Order Cut Off Date - Could all orders for Book Club please be submitted tomorrow, Friday 17 November 2023 instead of the previous date stamped on the book club magazines. I apologise for any inconvenience. - Mrs Ashley Wong
Celebration Costume Requirements and Reminder
In just a few weeks, our students will perform in our yearly celebration event. It has been a joy to watch the students preparing their dances, and I’m sure many parents have already seen a sneak preview at home!
Class teachers have organised most of your child’s costume for the night. Please see below for the remaining costume items that each year level requires. Students will be removing their shoes for the performance, so please send your child in shoes that are easy to slip off and are clearly named.
We cannot wait to share this night with you.
Drought Angels - Fire Relief Fundraising
The college would love to invite our community to support these families at this time. Please see below information about how we can help. Please click here for a link to make cash donations towards this effort.
Click here to hear from Mrs Gostelow regarding this fundraising event.
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 4. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below:
Calvary Carols
We are excited to invite all Calvary, Real Life Christian Church and families from the local community to Calvary Carols. Springwood campus is hosting this event, on the oval on Sunday 26 November 5.30pm for a 6.15pm start.
Bring your camping chairs and a family picnic to enjoy as the band of students and Real Life members perform our favourite carols, taking us through the message of the birth of Jesus. Bring friends or extended family and enjoy a great night together as we move into the Christmas season.
Picnic boxes are available to be pre-ordered through Lily of the Valley Events. Order by the 19 November to not miss out! Boxes will be available for pick up from 5.30pm. Picnic Box Orders
Volunteering Opportunities for Calvary Carols
We would love some support from our community. If you have time available, please register via the link to the volunteer portal. We appreciate your help!! Thank you.
Calvary TV
Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023:
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 8

CAPA Awards
Congratulations to our Junior CAPA Award recipients for 2023 Ryan Bullas and Micah Sudholz.

Calvary Carols
Calvary Carols is on the evening of Sunday 26 November. Students required for this event include:
- Piccolos,
- Voices,
- Beginner and Junior Bands,
- Beginner and Junior Strings,
- Jnr & Snr Percussion Ensemble,
- Guitar Ensemble,
- After School Dance Groups.
Further details have been emailed to you and information is also on the CAPA Facebook page.
In the event of Wet Weather the Carols will still proceed in an alternate venue. Details will be communicated on the College Facebook pages.
2024 Years 4&5 Beginner Band Program
Today your child had the opportunity to participate in a demonstration from the teachers and students in the 2023 Band Program. Applications are now open for current Year 3&4 students to join the Beginner Band program in 2024.
Students currently in the program will re-enroll separate to this.
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: