Junior School Carbrook Communications, 15 June 2023
Term 2 - Week 9
Upcoming Events
Coming Up: School Holidays, Monday 10 July - Pupil Free Day and Tuesday 11 July - Term 2 Commences
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fun-filled final week of Term 2. The cast and crew of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang should be beyond proud. We are all still singing about our fine four fendered friend.
Our stage 1, 2 and 3 students have shared their term’s learning through sustainability expos this week. We are proud of the attention to detail and planning and organisation that this has showcased within our students.
Semester Reports
Junior School reports will be accessible via the Parent Lounge (through the website or Calvary app) on Friday 14 July.
Information regarding the structure and some updates to reports can be found below.
Prep Reporting Information
Stage 1-3 Reporting Information
Parent teacher Interviews
Parent teacher Interviews are scheduled for the Tuesday 18 July and Thursday 20 July. Interview times are made by accessing the College Website or App. We value the opportunity to meet face to face to set learning goals and discuss your child’s growth and potential. Please book in interviews early and email your child’s class teacher if you cannot make the dates provided to arrange a suitable time.
Parent Teacher Interview Letter
Beenleigh Zone Athletics
On Tuesday, many of our students in Stage 2 and 3 attended the Beenleigh Zone trials at Windaroo State School. We had some outstanding results and PB’s from our students. Calvary was declared winning school of our division thanks to the amazing effort of our students. Special mention to those progressing to the Beenleigh Zone Finals Day happening this Friday for a chance to compete at Districts:
Morgan Summerfield | 100m 3rd place | 800m 1st place | ||
Sophie Hopkins | High Jump 3rd place | Shot Put 1st place | ||
Sidney O’Donnell | High Jump 2nd place | Long Jump 1st place | ||
Seth Cooper | 100m 3rd place | High Jump 2nd place | Long Jump 1st Place | |
Hope Ive | Shot Put 2nd place | High Jump 2nd place | ||
Evangeline Caswell | 800m 1st place | |||
Bailey Andersen | 800m 3rd place | Shotput 3rd place | High Jump 2nd place | |
Rebecca Anemaat | Shotput 2ndplace | 100m 1stplace | 200m 1stplace | High Jump 1stplace |
Readers Cup Challenge
On Tuesday a group of Stage 3 students attended the Readers’ Cup Challenge for South Brisbane. These students have worked with Mrs Wong for many weeks, reading the set titles and working their comprehension skills to put together a presentation and be prepared to compete against 30 other schools. It was a highly competitive day and our wonderful team from Carbrook didn’t place in the competition, but their effort and good – sportsmanship is to be commended. The students involved should be very proud of their efforts and the results they achieved. A special shoutout to Bailey who was also in the team and read through the book list, but was unable to make it to the competition date due to representing the school in the Districts Athletics Carnival.
Science Week
Once again, we are holding our annual Calvary Science Competition in the Junior School.
We encourage the students in Prep to Stage 3 to participate with an age-appropriate science investigation.
It is a wonderful opportunity for students to apply their science knowledge and celebrate their learning in science.
We recommend you use the booklet to follow the scientific investigation process. If you would like to present your experiment in some other way, make sure you address all the sections of a scientific report that are in the booklet.
Due Date: Friday 28th July Happy Science investigating.
Free Dress Day
On our final day of term will be a free dress day with the theme “pyjama day”. Free dress day rules and expectations still apply, please send students with a hat, closed in shoes and layers that can be taken off as they warm up throughout the day. We ask that students bring a gold coin donation to support our compassion students.
As the term wraps up the Carbrook Junior School team wishes you a safe and restful holiday period. We look forward to seeing you again in Term 3.
Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Winter Vacation Care
Winter Vacation Care Itinerary Information and booking form below.
Real Life Christian Church has an awesome children’s ministry called Kidslife. We are running a Movie Night over the coming holidays and we wanted to invite your young person along and give you an opportunity to register them for the evening!
The Movie Night will be held on Saturday, the 24th of June from 5:30-8pm, and will just be $5 as we'll provide some dinner in the form of pizza! And I didn't even mention the best part, we want to give you, the parents, a night off. Have a Date Night, have a quiet night in, and we'll hang out with and feed your children while you rest up after what I'm aware was a huge term!
The link below will let you register for the event! Please share this event around, and encourage your kids to invite their friends along, as this will be a great opportunity to further connect our Calvary and Real Life family!

CAPA Update
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
What a fantastic display of our Students' gifts and talents! A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the Cast, Crew, Parents, Carers, Staff, Helpers and anyone who came to watch or supported us to enable this fabulous occasion!
CAPA is rejuvenating its Springwood & Carbrook spaces and we’d love your help by contributing to the Building Fund!
June 30th is only a few weeks away and you might be looking to support some last-minute tax-deductible causes.
We are setting a target of raising $10K at Springwood and $20K at Carbrook to improve our CAPA spaces which include:
• Refurbish the ensemble room (new flooring & paint, external entrance)
• Renovate bathrooms & change rooms
• Create an outdoor performance space
To make a building fund donation, deposit the funds as below:
Calvary Christian College BSB: 064 167 ACC: 0090 1845
The reference must be: Building Fund-Parent Name
Then email: fees@calvarycc.qld.edu.au advising of the payment so we can send you a receipt.
Payment MUST be made by 30 June 2023 to obtain a Tax Deduction for the 2023 year.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Note: For all visual concepts, the final product may differ from the proposed concepts.