Carbrook Junior School Communications, 15 February 2024
Term 1 - Week 4
Upcoming Events
Friday 16 February: Chapel
Term 1 - Week 5
Tuesday 20 February: Stage 2 & 3 Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 21 February: College Photo Day (Formal Uniform Required)
Friday 23 February: Assembly
Coming Up
Thursday 29 February: Emma Tabacaru Parent Session, 6pm Parent session and Disco
Dear Parents and Carers
On Friday, we officially inducted our Junior School Captains and Leaders. It was an honour to have our 2017 Junior School Captains present the badges to our students.
The following students received their badges;
Junior School Captains
Sophie Hopkins
Max Johnston
House Captains
Chisholm- Eeva Lane, Hugo Burnett
Liddell- Hope Ive, Ashton Gerrard
Flynn- Marisela Hebson, Caleb Myers
King- Lilly Leadbetter, Drayk Wetterburn Bisshop
Emily Handley
Vienna Matthews
Morgan Summerfield
Aurelia Troyer
Samuel Hendrix
Parker Rowland
I am confident that these young people are going to work hard to grow their influence and improve our school this year.
College Leaders
During Semester 1 each year, students in Years 3-6 can apply for College Leader. Any students in Years 3 – 6 who have shown that they lead by improving the lives of others at the College through continuous and ongoing service, can apply to be a College Leader.
To apply for a position, we ask students to write a letter to Mrs O’Donnell outlining the service that they are already involved in, frequency and impact that this has on the College. Letters can be brought to front Reception.
The presentation and announcement of this responsibility will happen twice a year. College leaders will be presented at our Assembly on 22 March this Term.
Welcome to New Students
Last week, we were able to welcome our new students from Stage 1 to Stage 3 with a milkshake with a mate at our Mango Café. It is exciting to welcome so many new families to our College.
Stage 2 and 3 Swimming Carnival
A reminder that parents of our Stage 2 and 3 students are very welcome to attend and assist at the Swimming Carnival on Tuesday 20 February.
Please click here to view the letter with all the relevant information.
Parent Education Session AND Disco
We’ve got you covered! Come along and hear from Emma Tabacaru about important topics for raising healthy kids and preteens, while your kids enjoy the disco. Please use the link to book.
Booking via this link:
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.

Calvary Photo Day
Please note that Calvary Photo Day is scheduled for 21 February 2024. On this day, formal student photographs will be taken, and all students are required to wear their formal uniforms. At this stage you should have received your order forms, if these have been misplaced please contact Reception to be able to provide you with your Shootkey to complete your order online before 21 February 2024.
Families wishing to have sibling photographs can collect an order form from Reception and will need to arrive at the CCC between 8:15 and 8:30 am as per the schedule below.
1 | 8:00 | Staff |
2 | 8:15 | Sibling & Family Photos |
3 | 8:50 | Prep A & B |
4 | 9:10 | Stage 1A |
5 | 9:20 | Stage 1B |
6 | 9:30 | Stage 1C |
7 | 9:40 | Stage 2A |
8 | 9:50 | Stage 2B |
9 | 10:00 | Stage 2C |
10 | 10:10 | Stage 2D |
11 | 10:20 | Stage 3A |
12 | 10:30 | Stage 3B |
13 | 10:40 | Stage 3C |
14 | 11:00 | 1st Break 11:00 - 11:30 |
15 | 11:40 | Year 12 |
16 | 11:50 | Year 11 |
17 | 12:00 | Stage 5 (Year 10) |
18 | 12:15 | Stage 5 (Year 9) |
19 | 12:30 | Stage 4 A - C |
20 | 12:45 | Stage 4 D - F |
21 | 1:00 | 2nd Break 1:00 - 1:50 |
Drop Off
In the mornings, we ask that students keep their bags with them and not drop them to their classroom areas until 8.20am. There will be a bell that rings to signal this time. Students may access the Western Carpark, Pavilion and Café or Gotfredson area prior to this time. There is space for them to place their bags there while they wait.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Cafe Specials - Week 5 & Birthday Special
2025 Term Dates
The 2025 Term Dates are available on the College website. Click below to view the dates.
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 1. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below:
Bush Dance
On Friday the 22nd of March the College is hosting it's annual Bush dance. Proceeds of this event will be going towards our Year 9 service trip to Chinchilla and more specifically Drought Angels. Parents and students from both campuses are welcome to join us from 6.30pm until 8.30pm on the ANZAC Lawn. We are very fortunate to have the very experienced and enthusiastic band for the evening Beefa's Bush Band performing and hosting the event for us again. Please note that there will be food and drinks on sale and a photo booth to take some memorable pictures of friends and family on the night.
Please book your tickets online:

Book Fair & Grandparents' Day 2024
Scholastic Book Fair is returning this year, between 4 and 8 March.
Book Fair Details & Volunteers
Carbrook Campus' Grandparents' Day will be happening on Thursday 7 March from 9am-11.00am. All grandparents and grandparent representatives are welcome.

Welcome to Week 4. Please see below the updated schedule for Performing Arts:
Instrumental Program
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5-10 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Continuing Band and String Program: Register Here
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up:
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: