Carbrook Junior School Communications, 14 September
Term 3 - Week 10
Upcoming Events
Friday 15 Sept: Free Dress (gold coin donation)
Term 4 Week 1
Monday 2 October: Public Holiday
Tuesday 3 October: Students commence
Wed 4 & Thurs 5 October: Group Photos
Thursday 5 October: Assembly
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are finishing the term on a high with so many things to be grateful for. Our students are buzzing with the excitement that has come from opportunities to showcase their skills in sports, CAPA, co-curricular clubs and learning this term. Students, we are proud of you!
Last weekend’s Showcase highlighted the many talents of our students. From individual performances to group performances, I was in awe of the incredible talent that we have at Calvary.
If your child is interested in learning an instrument or taking part in a band or ensemble, there are options available. Just visit the website to sign up for Term 4 or for next year.

Stage 2 Expo
We had an amazing Stage 2 Art and Poetry Expo on Wednesday. Congratulations Stage 2 for exhibiting an excellent Expo, the room was buzzing with your talents! Students and teachers are to be commended on the great effort and hard work that made your talent's shine.
To quote one of our parents ' It is indeed admirable that you have taken the initiative to encourage the children to pursue their dreams and inspire them to create beautiful art.'
I was blown away by the connections you were able to make through your artworks and your poetry.

Swimming Lessons
At the end of this Term, our Prep and Stage 1 students participated in a week of intensive swimming at Sue Howletts Swim School.
Our Prep and Stage 1 Swimming Carnival will be held next term. We are confident that the students will enjoy more confidence in the water because of these lessons. Early next term we will enjoy a junior carnival with many fun, modified activities.
Subway/Sushi Lunch
Order that have been placed will be delivered tomorrow at first break. Unfortunately, no more orders can be placed at this time.
As we change pace for the next few weeks and enjoy school holidays in its various forms. I pray that all our families are able to enjoy time doing something that brings them rest and peace. Please be reminded that the first Monday of Term 4 is a public holiday. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday 3 Ocotober.
Mrs Fiona Burnett
Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Free Dress Tomorrow
Group Photo Days - First week back in term 4
On the 4 and 5 of October the College will be taking group photos for those involved in various clubs, co-curricular and extra curricular activities. Please open the photo letter and schedule below for more information.
Bus Minder
Just a reminder that Term 4 bus passes are available to be purchased on Bus minder from Monday 18 September through to Friday 6 October 2023.
Please ensure all Bus Minder accounts are in credit by 29 September 2023. We will not be able to offer the bus service to any families whose accounts are not in credit by that time. If you wish to talk to the Finance Department, please contact them anytime during the School holiday period on the Carbrook reception 3287 6222.
Understanding the Adolescent Brain & Mental Health Parent Session
OSHC - September Vacation Care
Please see below links to the September School Holiday's Vacation Program and pupil free day provided by OSHC.
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page:
Next Term we will be hosting AusKick here at Carbrook Campus, starting in week 3. Please see information below and click on the image to register.

Wow what a night! Congratulations to all students and teachers on a successful Showcase. I hope that you all get to have a good rest over the holidays. We will see you back in Term 4 as we prepare for Carols.
CAPA Dance Program
Is your child interested in joining Dance in Term 4? Please see the link to register.
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
Instrumental Program 2024
At the start of next term there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: