Carbrook Junior School Communications, 13 July
Term 3 - Week 1
Upcoming Events
Friday 14 July: Academic Reports Live on Parent Lounge, 5pm
Week 2
Tuesday 18 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 19 July: Primary School Volleyball Cup
Thursday 20 July: Parent Teacher Interviews, Chapel
Friday 21 July: 100 Days of Prep
Coming Up: Stages 2&3 Immersion Day & Safe on Socials, Futsal Champions, Assembly
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Term 3!
I hope you had a refreshing and relaxing mid year break. I am so pleased to be back with the students and the Junior School team after my Long Service Leave. I enjoyed spending time with family and friends in New Zealand. Thankfully the winter weather was stunning and I was able to spend time walking the beaches and enjoying time on the family farm in Taranaki.
Pupil Free Day
On the Pupil Free Day this week the Teaching Team were able to engage in a Professional Development Day facilitated by Mathilda Joubert who is the WA President at Australian Council for Educational Leaders. Mathilda has collaborated with some of the best innovators in education such as Sir Ken Robinson. She shared with us the latest research around stretching our students to reach their personal best. Her presentation gave us many hands-on ideas to use in our Learning Spaces.
New Students
We welcomed 4 new students to the Carbrook Junior School this week. As always we know our current students will welcome them warmly. As per tradition Mrs O’Donnell and I will take them and a friend to the Mango Café for a complimentary milkshake as one way to welcome them to our community.
Semester One Reports
Junior School reports will be accessible via the Parent Lounge (through the website or Calvary app) tomorrow, Friday 14 July from 5:00pm. Please ensure you book in your Parent/Teacher Interview for next week to discuss your child’s progress and goals for Semester 2. Email your child’s class teacher if you cannot make the dates provided to arrange a suitable time.
Information regarding the structure and some updates to reports can be found in the below links.
Prep Reporting Information
Stage 1-3 Reporting Information
Behaviour Expectations
We continue to strive for high expectations from our students in areas of behaviour and etiquette. Specifically, this term we will focus on the following areas:
- We treat others with kindness and respect
- We wear our uniform with pride
- We show we are ready to learn
- We stretch ourselves in all tasks
- We leave spaces cleaner than we found them
Students will engage with these expectations during our Assembly times and during the school day to ensure we build a positive and respectful school culture.
Teaching for Learning
This Term our Unit of Inquiry covers the concept of Social Justice. Each Stage explores this concept at an age appropriate level that covers the outcomes in the Australian Curriculum. Parent Overviews for each Stage will be sent out tomorrow. These snapshots are to assist you in partnering with us on your child’s learning journey.
Mrs Fiona Burnett
Head of Junior School - Carbrook
The College App can be downloaded on your smart phone by using this download link* or by going to the App Store/Google Play and search for 'Parent Orbit'. The school code is calvarycc.
Please note the link will only work on a device that has access to the App Store or Google Play.
Semester 2 Clubs
Attached below are the cocurricular clubs for semester 2.
100 Days of Prep
Our Prep students will be celebrating 100 days of Prep on Friday 21 July and will be dressing up as a 100 year-old person.

Science Week
Once again, we are holding our annual Calvary Science Competition in the Junior School.
We encourage the students in Prep to Stage 3 to participate with an age-appropriate science investigation.
It is a wonderful opportunity for students to apply their science knowledge and celebrate their learning in science.
We recommend you use the booklet to follow the scientific investigation process. If you would like to present your experiment in some other way, make sure you address all the sections of a scientific report that are in the booklet.
Due Date: Friday 28th July Happy Science investigating.

Welcome back to Term 3! All ensembles and lessons have resumed for the term.
Instrumental Teachers Update
At the end of last Term Mrs Sandi Ong (Woodwind) finished with college. We thank her for all of the passion and enthusiasm that she brought to the college and the program. You will be missed.
We welcome Mr Maxwell Judge-Mears to the team as the new Woodwind tutor for both campuses. Please welcome him to the college.
We also welcome back Mr Dominic Ward as our Guitar Ensemble Director and guitar teaching.
Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets for this event open on Monday 17 July 2023.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
Semester Two Ensembles
We invite all students that were in the college musical, and any other interested students, to join the following two ensembles commencing next week;
- Piccolos - Prep to Year 2, Wednesday 8.00-8.30am
- Voices - Year 3 - 6, Wednesday 7.45-8.30am
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: