Carbrook Junior School Communications, 12 October
Term 4 - Week 2
Upcoming Events
Thursday 12 October: Parent Presentation 'Adolescent Brain'6.30pm
Friday 13 October: Stg 3 Gala Sport
Saturday 14 October: GLS Summit @RLCC
Week 3
Monday 16 October: Auskick Commences
Tuesday 17 October: Prep & Stage 1 Swimming Carnival
Thursday 19 October: Assembly
Friday 20 October: Prep Incursion; Stg 1 Excursion; Stg 3 Gala Sport
Coming Up
Year 5 Leadership applications due; Chapel in the Pavilion 2.30pm-3.00pm; World Teacher's Day & Stg 3 Gala Sport
Dear Parents and Carers
This week our students have not skipped a beat. There have been dance practises for Celebration, farm visits and various cocurricular activities. The Learning Habits of Creativity is already being grown and celebrated in each of the stages. Perhaps you could ask your child how they have shown creativity this week?
End of Year Awards Services
As the end of the year approaches, we take time to look back and celebrate achievement and growth of our students in many different areas. This year the junior school students will be recognised during an Awards Assembly, Sports Award evening, CAPA Soiree and Celebration. Please see the letter attached outlining the awards that will be presented at each of the events. If your child is receiving and award at any of these events, you will receive an email alerting you to this.
Our Stage 3 debating teams participated in their second last round of debating on Wednesday evening. Both the Year 5 and Year 6 teams won their debate, continuing their undefeated, winning streak. We wish to honour the motivation, investment and communication skills demonstrated by each of the students during this debating season.

New Student Welcome
Today, Carlee Johnston took our new students and a buddy of their choosing to the Mango Café for a delicious milkshake.
We welcome our new students and pray that your transition to Calvary will be a smooth one.

Lost Property
Lost property has been moved to the walkway between the Gotfredsen and Ann-Doyle building (Prep and Stage 1). A friendly reminder to name all your child’s items so that we can return them back to the owners. You are most welcome to access the lost property for any of your child’s items also.
Prep & Stage 1 Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday, Prep and Stage 1 will enjoy showcasing their skills at the upcoming swimming carnival. Please see the attached letter for all the information needed for the day. (include letter as attachment).
If you are available to help on the day, please email before Monday.
We have all enjoyed another week of specialised Auskick PE lessons.
If your child would like to join the Auskick program please scroll the Image below to sign them up.
Parent and Teen/Tween Presentation
Parents, don’t miss the next opportunity to learn and grow together. You can register for our latest session, Understanding the Adolescent Brain and Mental Health, held live at the Carbrook campus tonight, Thursday 12 October. Please see information below.
Be Blessed
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Parent Presentation - Thursday 12 October
Understanding the Adolescent Brain & Mental Health Parent Session
We have invited our local Ed-LinQ psychologist to facilitate a Parent & Tween/Teen session about the adolescent brain, and signs to watch for that might indicate your child requires further support.
We’d now like to extend this invitation to our teens/tweens. This is a great opportunity for them to learn more about their brain, and start healthy conversations about adolescent mental health and well-being within our families.
Thursday 12 Oct @ 6pm - Carbrook Campus
Register online here:
If you require child minding, there will be a 'G' rated supervised movie screening.
Twilight Agriculture Farm Tour
Hi Calvary Families
We are VERY excited to launch our first Twilight Agriculture Farm Tour!
- Join Mrs Haupt (Farmer H to our preppies) and Mrs Bullas as they guide tour groups through our farm, providing insights into our rich agricultural experience.
- Come and learn about our successful Calvary Show Team, farm life and sustainable agriculture.
Bring the whole family and see for yourself why our students are passionate about our Agriculture programs.
Register here:
Please feel free to share this wonderful opportunity with your friends and family who share a love for agriculture and the farm life.
Watch the welcome video from Mrs Haupt & Mrs Bullas here:

Calvary Events

Mango CAFE Specials for Week 3

2024 Musical - Shrek
Congratulations to the following students for their successful placement in next year's Musical - Shrek!
We look forward to seeing what these students can accomplish in the next two terms.
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary, Springwood Oval
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
UPDATED - Sports Aerobics 2024
We are excited to announce in 2024 we will be introducing Sports Aerobics to the college. If your child is interested in joining in, we will be hosting a couple of Come n Try sessions before the end of term.
Please see below a flyer for further information and please click on the flyer image for the link to register for a Come n Try session.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: