Carbrook Junior School Communications, 09 May 2024
Term 2 - Week 4
Term 2 - Week 4
Friday 10 May: Shrek Matinee and Evening Performance
Sunday 12 May: Lamb Cuddles (3.30pm-5.30pm)
Term 2 - Week 5
Tuesday 14 May: Evening Ag Tour 5-6pm
Friday 17 May: Assembly
Coming Up
Simultaneous Story Time, Stage 2&3 Athletics Carnival, College Leadership Applications Due
Dear Parents and Carers
Shrek - Musical
Today we had the opportunity to attend a matinee performance of Shrek the musical, performed by our MSS students. This well-known story was thoroughly enjoyed by audience, showcasing impressive song and dance items.
The Friday night show is SOLD OUT but there are still a select number of tickets available for tonight's show.
Please book your tickets online:

Mother's Day Event
Yesterday afternoon, we had our families and their motherly figures show up ready to play and ready to win. There were all sorts of fun activities like cup stack, tongue twisters and a cookie face challenge. It was lovely to see the students working together in teams with their Mum and connecting over shared challenge and competition. There may have been a little resilience building for the students… and some of the mothers too.

Under 8s Day
Under 8s day is coming up for our Prep and Stage 1 students. Please see all the details on the flyer attached. There will be a sausage sizzle available, orders can be placed by using the link below.

College Leadership
Applications for leadership are due by week 6. Students in Years 3-6 who have applied for leadership will be presented at our College Leaders Assembly on the 7 June this Term.
To apply for a position, we ask students to write a letter to Mrs O’Donnell outlining the service that they are already involved in, frequency and impact that this has on the College. Letters can be brought to front Reception.
Friendly reminder that Chapel will be in the Pavilion tomorrow morning, you are most welcome to join us from 9.00-9.30am.
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
General Notices
Bus Notice
All students have now received their new 2024 Student ID cards.
All bus students are required to swipe their ID cards when boarding and disembarking from the bus.
Utilising student ID cards ensures:
- Accurate tracking of all students using the bus service, enabling correct charging.
- Provides parental tracking capabilities via the app, receiving email alerts when students board and disembark the bus.
- Enhanced efficiency during the boarding and disembarking processes.
Failure to utilize Student ID cards for bus trips during Term 2 will result in an administrative fee of $1 per trip as these trips must be manually entered.
In the event of the newly issued ID cards being lost, replacement cards can be purchased at Reception at a cost of $5.
Key points to remember:
- Rollcall accounts must maintain a positive balance for students to utilize the service. Credit can be added via the Rollcall app.
- It is preferable that a booking is made via the Rollcall app for every trip taken on the bus service.

Uniform Update
School Locker store location re-opening date has been moved to Friday 24 May 2024.
Take Mum Out for Lamb Cuddles on Mother's Day

Tech Savy Tech Safe Forum Information
How to keep young people safe online. Please click on the link below.
Cafe Specials - Week 5
Calvary Events
Our current College events can be found on our website:
Shrek Ticket Sales Open
Tickets are on sale now for Shrek the Musical! Click here to book:

What a fantastic start we have had today with our first performance of the MSS Musical, Shrek! Looking forward to the rest of the performances.
Friday night is sold out! Limited tickets are available for tonight here.
Sport Aerobics
Students will receive their leotards on Saturday prior to the competition. If you did not order stockings, or have not received them, Pip will have some extras available.
I wish all of our students involved in this weekend's competition all of the best.
Junior Showcase and Recitals
On Friday 7 June 2024 we will be having a Junior Showcase and Recital Evening at the Carbrook Campus commencing at 6pm, with students arriving at 5.30pm. All students from both campuses in Junior and Intermediate Ensembles will be performing as well as all students doing private lessons within the College. Please add this to your Calendars. An email will come at the start of Term 2 outlining what students need to wear and bring.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up:
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: