Carbrook Junior School Communications, 05 September 2024
Term 3 - Week 9
Friday 6 September: Assembly, Good News Week Bake Sale/Sausage Sizzle
Saturday 7 September: Showcase Performance
Week 10
Monday 9 to Friday 13 September: Stage 1 Swimming Lessons
Wednesday 11 September: Netball Calvary Community Cup
Friday 13 September: Free Dress, Chapel, Colour Fun Run
Coming Up
16-18 September: Kids Life + Discovery (Real Life Christian Church)
Term 4 - Important Dates
Monday 30 September: Term 4 Commences
Monday 7 October: King's Birthday Public Holiday
Thursday 7 November: CPA Soiree / Calvary Sport Awards
Thursday 14 November: Awards Service 2.15pm
Tuesday 26 November: Celebration Service 5.00pm P-Stage1, 6.45pm Stage 2&3
Thursday 28 November: Year 6 Affirmation Service 2.00pm
Dear Parents and Carers
Term 3 Expo- Discovery
Tuesday afternoon was a spectacular example of inquiry learning in action. Walking through our learning spaces from Prep right the way to Stage 3, it was clear that we have invested and motivated learners. Our preps created new playground, our Stage 1 students created puppets and used them to perform a show, Stage 2 used the design process to work on a balloon powered car and our Stage 3 students showcased their understanding of cause and effect with a science fair. Each student in each stage was able to showcase their learning in a unique way. Well done everyone!

Good News
Pastor Clare, Pastor Jayden and Pastor Dan have worked together to bring good news to all our students in Good News week. A highlight for the junior school students have been the good news agent cards, where students have been tasked with completing activities and challenges that involve them in this week’s activities and also experience the joy that comes with serving and putting others before themselves.
Swimming Lessons
Prep has been attending a week long intensive swimming program this week and Stage 1 will have the opportunity to participate similarly next week. The rapid growth that occurs in this time is very encouraging. I am sure we have had some early nights in Prep with our swimmers giving each lesson their very best stretch.

Our senior Showcase event is on this Saturday 7 September. The theme, Our Journey Through Time, is based on the history of the CAPA program over the past 40 years. Many of our Stage 2 and 3 students are involved either through the Voices choir or various ensemble groups. Come along and meet Alumni and past staff who contributed to growing CAPA, as well as hear the beautiful performances of our Stage 2-Stage 6 students.
Reggie Dabbs Presentation
On Wednesday afternoon Reggie Dabbs, an American Pastor and motivational speaker entertained our staff and students as he brought his message of hope and love. Reggie left our students with a challenge to be kind to 10 people for 10 days to help spread hope and love among our Calvary Community and be agents for positive change.
Please take the time to chat with your child (who are in Stages 2 - 12) about this challenge and maybe take the challenge up as a family. Modelling kindness and sharing hope and love is a powerful way to shape the character of our youth, when they are bombarded with a very different message online in our society.
Chinchilla Trip
Next week, our Year 9 students, along with several dedicated staff members, will embark on an enriching journey to Chinchilla for a service trip. Our collective hope and prayer are for their safe return, accompanied by the profound joy that comes from selfless service to others. They will be donating our hygiene products from the supportive Calvary Community to Farm Angels and providing some much-needed assistance to farmers, communities and organisations in the area. This year our fundraising from the Bush Dance, Quiz and other Show Team related events is totals just over $10 000.00 which will be used to support farming communities experiencing hardship over the Christmas season. We wanted to thank our community for supporting us in these initiatives to support Farm Angels!
Piccolo Choir and Stage 2 Performance
The Piccolo Choir is performing on Monday at 8.45am and Stage 2 on Tuesday at 2.40pm. We welcome parents and family members to attend.

Parents please note there have been some amendments made to communication regarding the Colour Run on the last day of term.
- Prep and Stage 1 are asked to wear their white shirt to school and then change to their free dress following the event.
- The time has changed for Stage 2 and 3 now with a 2pm start.
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Free Dress Day
A reminder to please send a gold coin donation for Free Dress day, to support our Compassion children.

Cafe Specials - Week 10
General Notices
No JAG Club Next Week
Due to our Ag staff and Year 9 students going to Chinchilla, there will be no before school JAG Club on Tuesday 10 and Thursday 12 September. JAG will return in week 2 Term 4.
Bake Sale & Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser - orders close tonight
In Week 9 the chaplaincy team are running “The Good News Week”, where we give intentional focus to being and bringing the good news of Jesus.
During 2nd break on Friday 6th September, some Year 6’s will be running a bake sale and sausage sizzle to raise money and awareness for our partnership with Compassion.
If you would like to contribute donations of nut-free baked goods/lollies, please bring them to the Loft (Mike Millard building) on the Friday morning. Please also include a list of ingredients with anything you bring for allergy purposes.
Stay tuned for more information about The Good News week.
Ps Jayden and the Chaplaincy Team”
Important Note about Color Run Participation-Amended Times
All students participating in the Calvary Color Run should please ensure they wear a plain white T-shirt, the colour powder being used is non-staining but we would like to avoid unnecessary laundry expenses. We also strongly recommend that students come prepared with sunglasses or goggles, as well as a bandana to cover their mouths and noses during the color zones for added protection.
It is recommended that all other clothes worn for free dress day are able to be sprayed with the colour chalk, it is washable, however we want to protect clothing and shoes.
New Times:
Prep & Stage1 9.30am (students to wear their white shirt to school then change)
Stage 2 & 3 2.00pm (students to bring their white shirt to change into)
This year the fundraising will be going towards sporting equipment for your children to use and updating sports teams’ uniforms.
Let’s celebrate the end of term with a rainbow of excitement and COLOUR!
Please see attached letter for more details.
Real Life Notices
Hey Calvary Families! Pastor Jayden here with an exciting announcement!
These coming holidays, the Kids Life team at Real Life Christian Church is hosting Kids Life Plus: Discovery!
Come along and experience a 'space exploration-themed' three days of fun as children discover real life in Jesus and how to share this with others.
This holiday event is for children in Prep through to Year 6 and runs from the 16-18 September from 9am-3pm!
To register and for more information, you can use this link to the event page:
Or you have any further questions or inquiries, I would love to hear from you!
My email is:

Calvary OSHC Spring Vacation Care Program
The Carbrook OSHC Vacation Care program is available: Program Here Enrolment form OSHC are available via this link: Enrolment
Current families request a booking via the online platform.
Please contact if you have any queries.
Coming Up Events @ Calvary
Our current College events can be found on our website:

Sport Aerobics
Congratulations to all the teams on your fantastic results at Nationals last weekend. A special thanks to your coaches and Mrs Arraiol for coordinating the teams.
A huge shoutout to:
CBK Emeralds - 3rd place
CBK Diamonds – 2nd place, competing against 9 other schools.
CBK Rubies – 3rd place, facing 10 schools, including teams from Victoria and New South Wales.
SWD Opals – 3rd place, competing against 4 other schools.
A special shoutout to SWD Sapphires—we’re so proud of you!
We look forward to seeing your routines again at the Soiree on Thursday 7 November.
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7 September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. Showcase sound check Saturday 7 September for students performing from 12pm onwards.
12pm | Check final sound and meet with Sound and lighting. |
1pm | Lara Morton |
1.30pm | Intermediate Band – The great gate of Kiev and Bunyip Blues |
2pm | Massed Band – In the Mood |
2.30pm | Finale - Grease |
3pm | Opening - Waka Waka |
3.30pm | Voices |
3.50pm | Dance Ensemble |
4.10pm | Girls Ensemble |
4.30pm | Boys Ensemble |
4.50pm | Chorale |
5.10pm | Brent Robinson and Daniel Robertson |
5.30pm | Guitar Ensemble |
5.50pm | Junior and Senior Percussion |
6.10pm | Intermediate Strings |
6.25pm | Cello Ensemble |
6.40pm | Doors Open |
All students return by 6.30pm in full formal uniform
There will be no Voices Rehearsal next week on the Tuesday and Friday. All other ensembles will be as per normal.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: