Carbrook Junior School Communications, 2 May 2024
Term 2 - Week 3
Term 2 - Week 3
Friday 3 May: Gala Sport, Assembly (CCC)
Term 2 - Week 4
Monday 6 May: Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 7 May: Pacific District Cross Country
Wednesday 8 May: Mother's Day Event
Thursday 9 May: Shrek Matinee - Students Attending / Shrek Evening Performance
Friday 10 May: Shrek Matinee and Evening Performance
Sunday 12 May: Lamb Cuddles (3.30pm-5.30pm)
Coming Up
Evening Ag Tour 5-6pm; Stage 2&3 Athletics Carnival
Dear Parents and Carers
On Monday and Tuesday, our Year 4 students attended their very first school camp. Camp Tunnell Ridge offered fantastic adventure activities in a beautiful setting. This was a time for students to grow in resilience and grit, which we know are vital skills that can be grown under the right conditions.
Have a look at some of the fun they got up to…

Mother's Day Event
Attention Mum's and Motherly figures. There’s still time to get your family team ready and come along for some fun and connection.
Please click on the image below to book.
Junior School Parent Group
We are so blessed to have a vibrant parent community who are committed to supporting our families and staff. We have a group of parents who currently meet at 8:40am on Mondays at the Mango Cafe to pray for our College.
As a way of building connections within our community, this group are hosting a mother’s catch up before the Mother’s Day Amazing Race. If you would like to connect with other mums, please meet at the Mango Cafe at 2pm on the 8th of May. This is a relaxed opportunity to share your experiences of motherhood, connect with mums who are navigating similar situations and grow your community. We hope to see you there.

Uniform Update
As communicated in the Principal’s Comms on Monday 29 April.
We heard from School Locker on Friday that they anticipate re-opening on 13th May. Once we have confirmation of that date we will notify you without delay. Until then they will continue to supply online orders with free postage. The turnaround time for this service is quick.
To read the full uniform update please follow the link attached below.
Under 8's Day
Under 8s day is coming up for our Prep and Stage 1 students. Please see all the details on the flyer attached. There will be a sausage sizzle available, orders can be placed by using the link below or on the flyer.
Shrek - Musical Update
The Shrek musical is really coming together. It will be exciting to see the final performances. On 9 May, the whole Junior School will be watching the Thursday matinee show.
If you haven’t already booked tickets, please do so as seats are filling up quickly.
Please book your tickets online:
Reminder: Due to the preparations for Shrek, the CCC will be unavailable for chapel in Week 4. Please join us in the Cunningham Pavilion.
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Counselling Blog
Please click on the image below to read the latest blog from our Counselling Team:
General Notices
Take Mum Out for Lamb Cuddles on Mother's Day

2024 Premier's Reading Challenge
Please click on the image below for information of how to register your child for this year's Premier's Reading Challenge.
Tech Savy Tech Safe Forum Information
How to keep young people safe online. Please click on the link below.
Cafe Specials - Week 4
Calvary Events
Our current College events can be found on our website:
Shrek Ticket Sales Open
Tickets are on sale now for Shrek the Musical! Click here to book:

A big week ahead for Performing Arts with the MSS Musical and the first Sport Aerobics competition. We wish all students all the best in their performances.
This year's MSS Musical is Shrek. Tickets are now on sale here.
All students will be attending a Matinee performance Thursday 9 May, please see further information above, in the Head of Campus' communication.
Sport Aerobics
As per the letter previously sent, please see the details for the upcoming Sport Aerobics Competition.
DATE Saturday 11th May 2024
VENUE Paul Bancroft Centre - Cleveland District State High School - Carpark entry via Waterloo Street
Junior Showcase and Recitals
On Friday 7 June 2024 we will be having a Junior Showcase and Recital Evening at the Carbrook Campus commencing at 6pm, with students arriving at 5.30pm. All students from both campuses in Junior and Intermediate Ensembles will be performing as well as all students doing private lessons within the College. Please add this to your Calendars. An email will come at the start of Term 2 outlining what students need to wear and bring.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up:
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: