Agriculture Farm Tour

Explore our Agricultural Farm Precinct at Carbrook

Our Agricultural programs are an integral part of learning at Calvary and aim to provide practical hands-on lessons, facilitating development of the whole child and equipping them with key skills and attributes to become global citizens of the 21st Century.


Having our farming precinct is a great opportunity for students to explore Agriculture in a number of areas. From cuddling a chicken, our Paddock to Plate Program and in Year 11/12, the opportunity to have hands on experience for students who are looking at a career post school in the Agriculture space.


We would love to share our Farm Precinct with you on a tour. Bring the family and truly get a sense of life at Calvary Christian College. 

Register below for our next tour on Tuesday 15 October @ 5pm.


For more information about Agriculture at Calvary, click here