Lambing season down on the Farm!

25 May 2023

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Probably the most exciting time to be on the farm is during lambing season. Getting to see God’s hands at work with the arrival of each new lamb is wonderful.


What many don’t know, is that our 2023 lambing program started back in December 2022 when we choose the best possible stud rams to use as sires and put them in with our ewe flocks. These rams were fitted with chalk harnesses so that we could determine when the ewes had been joined. This information is important in helping know who is likely to be pregnant and which cycle they are going to be lambing in. Then it is time to wait…….


Five and a half months on, and the lambing team were packing their tents and bags ready to move into Camp Lamb. This year kicked off to a soggy start thanks to the 100mm of rain that fell on the Sunday and Monday. However, even the rain was not enough to dampen the spirits of the team as they eagerly anticipated the arrival of the lambs.


By now you might be asking why we set up camp rather than just checking the sheep? The answer is simple, over the years we have invested a good deal of funds in the genetic diversity of our flock and every new arrival is valuable. While we have in the past driven in for late night and early morning checks, we have decided that the best way to ensure safe arrivals is by staying onsite. Our lambing team has grown in numbers which helps to spread the load when it comes to our hourly nightly checks. Our ewes tend to lamb down at all hours of the day and night, and we are there to help support them if necessary.



Our lambing team is one great big family. We regularly have up to 20 people coming together at night for evening meals as we sit and laugh around the fire. This is our opportunity to stay connected with our family members who are not staying onsite.


So far, we have delighted in the arrival of five beautiful lambs (2 rams and 3 ewes). Our team are now making the most of some full night’s sleep before our second window opens early next week and our hourly checks start once again. We still have six ewes to deliver in the 2023 season and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their lambs.


We are looking forward to giving you the opportunity to meet our lambs on Sunday 28 May for Community Lamb Cuddles from 2pm to 4pm at the Cunningham Pavilion. We hope to see you there.


Farmer Ange Haupt