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Calvary at the Ekka!
10 August 2023

So its Ekka time again. Are you excited?
Very much so! There is a lot of work to do logistically between now and then, but we’ll get there. We always do!
Speaking of logistics, there are many challenges in prepping for Ekka correct?
Absolutely! Many many things including the accommodation, animals, equipment, transportation, Ekka scheduling of students for judging and sheep showing and more.
So what does Show Team do at Ekka?
Through the course of the week, our students will be showing our sheep and competing in the Young Judges competitions. For young judges, they will be judging dairy cattle, dairy goats, wool, alpacas and sheep. And for sheep showing, they will spend time chatting to the public about our animals and what we have onsite.
So there is lots of education involved?
Definitely, lots of education as they are learning as they go, and they can educate others that come in.
So what do the students love the most about coming to Ekka?
Haha Free time! Its true! And sleep of course 😊 The students have a set a variety of things they want to see and do. They’ve been talking about the different animals they want to see and the different competitions they want to be involved in. They are really looking forward to it.
Is Young judges something they get pretty excited about?
When it comes to the sheep part of young judges, they’re very excited because they do it all the time, but they’re stretching themselves when it comes to doing the things that we don’t have onsite like the dairy goats and dairy cattle. So that a big thing for them to them to learn during Ekka. They have a go at and they do a great job.
So how long are you there for?
We move in on Tuesday and we’ll come out Sunday afternoon.
How many days do you show the animals for?
Our main sheep showing days are Thursday & Friday. We are also part of a pilot program of a Merino Wether sheep competition this year. We are 1 of 6 schools involved in that program and that is on Wednesday. On top of that, there is a handlers competition on Saturday and young judges competitions are around also.
Why should our families come and check you guys out?
No better way to see what we do at Show team and understand what goes into Ekka than being there. And because we are awesome and you should just do it 😊
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