The Power of Student Affirmations

26 April 2023

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Friends and family often ask me why I send my children to Calvary. I explain I want a Christian education that caters for the whole child, meets my children at their stretch points, and teaches them about life and faith beyond the classroom. While true, these statements do not convey the heart behind how our teachers achieve this in the classroom.





As a staff member, I have the privilege of seeing these statements in action. I witnessed an example at Springwood, as a teacher individually affirmed the individual strengths of her students as they walked into the classroom. In these micro-interactions, this teacher was intentionally choosing to speak truth and life into her students. We know that neurons that fire together, wire together, so through repetition, the teacher was helping her students to build new neural pathways in their brain. And when those students inevitably have tough days, she is increasing the likelihood of those affirmations becoming their inner monologue; their self-talk that tells them they can do hard things and are loved unconditionally.


At Calvary, our teachers focus on building authentic connections and relational safety in their classrooms. They make their students feel seen, valued and loved. These are Calvary distinctives, and some of the reasons I send my children to Calvary. 


Mrs Carlee Johnston

Student Development Specialist