Principal Communications, 17 July 2023

Dear Parent and Carers


Last Monday our staff engaged with Mathilda Joubert, an expert in developing and measuring creativity in students. I worked with Mathilda in WA and we share a passion for what’s often referred to as the “Goldilocks” STRETCH for each student and staff member. At our staff professional development day we explored what that STRETCH could look like for our students and engaged with practices that could ensure we provide for each child an education worth having. This work builds on the work we have done over the past few years to improve our capacity as learning designers. We strive to provide personalised learning opportunities that meet the needs of each of our students.


Parent Teacher interviews take place this week and I encourage you to engage with these and seek a deeper understanding of what it means for your child to learn in a school where students have the opportunity to take up the learning opportunities designed for them in which they master curriculum content but more importantly develop their learning habits and skills.


We are very pleased to welcome to our staff Sarah Wishart and Dawn Boland who join our Student Development team. This team (which includes counsellors, chaplains, the psychologist, and staff who work in the support of students with additional needs) also works with our staff to develop our capacity to provide the very best to your children.


Semester two is an exciting time for our Executive team as we take stock of our progress and begin to plan for 2024. I would like to invite you to an Evening with the Principal on Tuesday 8th August on the Springwood campus and Thursday 10th August on the Carbrook campus. Save the date as I would love to see you there. This is an opportunity for me to share with you some of our planning and to hear from you about your hopes and dreams for the College. Parents can attend at either campus.


We are looking forward to the opening of our new Beach Volleyball courts on the Carbrook campus on Wednesday 26th July and our student are already enjoying the new shade sails outside the Florence Young building at Springwood. These are a few of the facilities improvements made in recent weeks. Over the coming months the upgrades to our CAPA facilities on both campuses will provide our students with improvements to inspire their growth and development in the Creative and Performing Arts. Thank you to those parents who contributed to the building fund for this project.


I wish you a happy Term 3 and encourage you to work with our learning designers to give your children the best support for their learning. Help us help your child to STRETCH every day in their learning journeys.


Yours sincerely



Cherylynne Gostelow
Principal & CEO